
any more  

Fpas plus

    Definition of any more in English Dictionary

  • AdverbeSUF-more
    1. (in negative or interrogative constructions) From a given time onwards; longer, again.
      1. They don't make repairable radios any more.
    2. (colloquial, chiefly Northern Ireland, US, in positive constructions) Now, from now on.
      1. To a greater extent (than).
        1. I don't like Braques any more than I like Picasso.
    3. Plus d'exemples
      1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
        • Thee bisn't playin wiv I any more - You are not playing with me any more.
        • The engine wouldn't run any more so we had to trailer my old car to the wrecking yard.
        • Black coloration denotes occupation, white coloration nonoccupation, and X that a burrow had not yet or not any more existed in the respective year.
      2. Utilisé dans la fin de la phrase
        • I plowed through two helpings, but then I didn't have room for any more.
        • Dude, get with the program! We don't do casual Fridays any more.
        • Lou snapped off a bin-bag from the roll. In her present mood, there were some things she wasn't going to shy away from any more.
    • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
      1. Adverbes
        • Adverbes incomparable

      Other Vocabulary

      Mots semblables
      1. en anymore
      2. en any ole
      3. en no more
      4. en anywhere
      5. en anemone
      Source: Wiktionnaire

      Meaning of any more for the defined word.

      Grammaticalement, ce idiome "any more" est un adverbe, plus spécifiquement, un adverbes incomparable.
      Définition: Niveau 1
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