


    Definition of describing in English Dictionary

  • VerbeBFdescribeSGdescribesPT, PPdescribedPREdés-SUF-ing
    1. present participle of describe.
    2. Plus d'exemples
      1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
        • This describes the movie-goer's wish to overcome the difference between herself and the star so that she can become more like the star.
        • The period between World War I and World War II (1918 to 1939) can be described as interbelline
        • "a Schwarzschild spacetime," "a Reissner-Nordström spacetime," etc. as opposed to sense (2) describing the universe's spacetime as a whole: "a Minkowski spacetime," "a 5-dimensional spacetime," etc.
      2. Utilisé dans la fin de la phrase
        • In that study, some of the subjects had dreams in which they were slaking their thirst, very much like the dreams of convenience Freud described.
        • Longipedlactone L [23 ] was isolated from Kadsura ananosma and longipedlactone H [24 ] from Kadsura longipedunculata as described.
    • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
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      Other Vocabulary

      Mots semblables
      1. en escribing
      2. en rescribing
      3. en inscribing
      Source: Wiktionnaire

      Meaning of describing for the defined word.

      Grammaticalement, ce mot "describing" est un verbe, plus spécifiquement, un formes verbale.
      Définition: Niveau 1
      Précis    ➨     Polyvalent