


    Definition of exists in English Dictionary

  • VerbeBFexistPRexistingPT, PPexisted
    1. third-person singular simple present indicative form of exist.
    2. Plus d'exemples
      1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
        • At low collision energies, most reflective of nonperturbed conformations, all forms of the protein exist in a single conformational family.
        • Neuroprotection and neurorepair cannot exist in isolation.
        • Black coloration denotes occupation, white coloration nonoccupation, and X that a burrow had not yet or not any more existed in the respective year.
      2. Utilisé dans la fin de la phrase
        • Dissociative identity disorder is a contentious diagnosis: some professionals say the disorder is overdiagnosed; others say it doesn't even exist.
        • Allism is the position of those who think that all these entities actually exist, and moreover, everything we can speak meaningfully about in some sense exists.
        • This may be called milieu control. The Chinese Communist prison is probably the most thoroughly controlled and manipulated group environment that has ever existed.
    • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
      1. Verbes
        • Formes verbales
          • Formes singulières Verb
            • Troisième personne du singulier formes

      Other Vocabulary

      Mots semblables
      1. en exist
      2. en exits
      3. fr existe
      4. fr exista
      5. fr existé
      Source: Wiktionnaire

      Meaning of exists for the defined word.

      Grammaticalement, ce mot "exists" est un verbe, plus spécifiquement, un formes verbale.
      Difficulté: Niveau 1
      Facile     ➨     Difficile
      Définition: Niveau 1
      Précis    ➨     Polyvalent