

Forigine WOrigin
  • Origin signifiant « origine » en anglais peut désigner :
  • Origin, un groupe de death metal technique.
  • Origin, premier album du groupe Origin.
  • Origin, le premier véritable album d’Evanescence.
  • Origin, un logiciel d’analyse de données.
  • OriGIn, sigle pour Organisation pour un réseau international d'Indications géographiques.
  • On peut retrouver ce terme dans plusieurs autres expressions, dans d'autres domaines.

    Definition of origin in English Dictionary

  • NomPLorigins
    1. The beginning of something.
      1. The source of a river, information, goods, etc.
        1. Swearing doesn't just mean what we now understand by "dirty words". It is entwined, in social and linguistic history, with the other sort of swearing: vows and oaths. Consider for a moment the origins of almost any word we have for bad language – "profanity", "curses", "oaths" and "swearing" itself.
      2. (mathematics) The point at which the axes of a coordinate system intersect.
        1. (anatomy) The proximal end of attachment of a muscle to a bone that will not be moved by the action of that muscle.
          1. (cartography) An arbitrary point on the earth's surface, chosen as the zero for a system of coordinates.
            1. (in the plural) Ancestry.
            2. Plus d'exemples
              1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
                • Finding of tamanolides which is a new class of pyranocoumarins from French Polynesian CIO [50 ], and not yet reported from the other CIO geographical origins supports this suggestion.
                • The second Book is divided into eight Chapters, treats of the origin of the Greek Characters, and changes that happen'd in them, to the fourth Century of the common Era.
                • Specifically, genome size may help resolve conflicting hypotheses about the origin of polyploids (auto- vs. allopolyploidy) and identify putative parental combinations in hybridogenous species.
              2. Utilisé au début de la phrase
                • Origin (...) have used the canvas of a Doom-like first-person 3-D engine to paint a master work of their own in this comic-book action game.
              3. Utilisé dans la fin de la phrase
                • In addition, this is the first report to suggest the existence of TaVgp04 as a structural protein in siadenoviruses particularly of avian origin.
                • Biopsy of a left axillary lymph axillary node confirmed transformation to diffuse large B cell lymphoma, nongerminal center origin.
                • In this report choroidal, ciliochoroidal and iridociliary melanomas were analyzed for GNAQ and GNA11 mutations which were subsequently correlated to the location of tumor origin.
            • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
              1. Noms
                • Noms Dénombrable
              Liens Connexes:
              1. en original
              2. fr original
              3. en originally
              4. en originator
              5. en originality
              Source: Wiktionnaire

              Meaning of origin for the defined word.

              Grammaticalement, ce mot "origin" est un nom, plus spécifiquement, un noms dénombrable.
              Difficulté: Niveau 1
              Facile     ➨     Difficile
              Définition: Niveau 8
              Précis    ➨     Polyvalent