


    Definition of physically in English Dictionary

  • AdverbeCOMmore physicallySUPmost physicallyPREphysi-SUF-ally
    1. In a physical manner.
      1. According to the laws of physics.
        1. Using physical force.
          1. OBS According to the rules of medicine.
            1. He that lives physically must live miserably. — Cheyne.
        2. Plus d'exemples
          1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
            • Just as Augustine notes that a true virgin must be a virgin physically and spiritually, so too a monk's single-heartedness of purpose in Christ cannot be left to an ethereal realm.
            • His first stand-in parent is the sister who "brought [him] up by hand," hardhandedly flinging him like "a conjugal missile" and mauling him, physically and spiritually, at every turn.
          2. Utilisé au début de la phrase
            • Physically enjoyable frivolity can still offend the conscience ‎
        • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
          1. Adverbes
          Liens Connexes:
          1. en physically challenged
          2. en physically attractive
          Source: Wiktionnaire

          Meaning of physically for the defined word.

          Grammaticalement, ce mot "physically" est un adverbe.
          Difficulté: Niveau 3
          Facile     ➨     Difficile
          Définition: Niveau 1
          Précis    ➨     Polyvalent