


    Definition of presidency in English Dictionary

  • NomPLpresidenciesPREpré-SUF-ency
    1. The office or role of president.
      1. After many years as a party leader, she finally ascended to the presidency.
    2. The bureaucratic organization and governmental initiatives devolving directly from the president.
      1. Because of the president's lame duck status, the presidency was often hampered by congressional actions.
    3. The time during which one is president; a president's term of office.
      1. In France, a presidency lasts for five years.
      2. Ernest was a historian specializing in the presidency of Herbert Hoover.
  • Plus d'exemples
    1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
      • Far from closing the door on the leadership of the ’60s generation, Mr. Obama’s presidency seems to have brought it back in full force.
  • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
    1. Noms
      • Noms Dénombrable

    Other Vocabulary

    Mots semblables
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    2. en presidence
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    Source: Wiktionnaire

    Meaning of presidency for the defined word.

    Grammaticalement, ce mot "presidency" est un nom, plus spécifiquement, un noms dénombrable.
    Difficulté: Niveau 4
    Facile     ➨     Difficile
    Définition: Niveau 6
    Précis    ➨     Polyvalent