

EN Things

    Definition of things in English Dictionary

  • NomBFthing
    1. plural of thing.
      1. One's clothes, furniture, luggage, or possessions collectively; stuff.
        1. Ole Golly just had indoor things and outdoor things.... She just had yards and yards of tweed which enveloped her like a lot of discarded blankets, which ballooned out when she walked, and which she referred to as her Things. —Louise Fitzhugh, Harriet the Spy (1964)
    2. Plus d'exemples
      1. Utilisé au milieu de la phrase
        • His survival kit had all the things he needed in the wilderness.
        • He had counted upon blindness, the unsuspicion of perfect confidence; but a passive, conscious conformity such as this--The thing was unbelievable, providential, too unnaturally good to last.
        • So was the cellist Charlotte Moorman, muse to Nam June Paik and proactivist champion of all things fringe.
      2. Utilisé au début de la phrase
        • Things would soon become bigger than the local nighteries.
        • Things started looking up after Jim moved back in with his parents.
        • Things went well through the crisp toasts with oiled acciughe, blistered friggitello peppers from the garden.
      3. Utilisé dans la fin de la phrase
        • The freezing rain covered our windshield with ice and we couldn't see a thing.
        • He promised himself that no matter what happened he would not do the tongue-lolling thing.
        • He needs to get a grip if he's getting that angry over such a little thing.
    • Partie du discours Hiérarchie
      1. Noms
        • Formes de Noun
          • Formes plurielles Noun
      Liens Connexes:
      1. en thingstead
      2. en things-in-themselves
      3. en things that go bump in the night
      Source: Wiktionnaire

      Meaning of things for the defined word.

      Grammaticalement, ce mot "things" est un nom, plus spécifiquement, un formes de noun.
      Difficulté: Niveau 1
      Facile     ➨     Difficile
      Définition: Niveau 1
      Précis    ➨     Polyvalent