
subscribes Exemples


    Examples of subscribes in a Sentence

  • Exemples de subscribe
    1. They set up an opt-in mailing list, so that those who wanted the notices could subscribe.
    2. And feel free to subscribe, cause you already know that makes you aware when the newest video is uploaded. Thanks and DFTBA
    3. No doubt the city of New York and the State of California contain capital enough for the completion of the entire road,--would subscribe to it, too, upon sufficient guaranties.
    4. Would you like to subscribe or subscribe a friend to our new magazine, Lexicography Illustrated?
    5. I don’t subscribe to that theory.
    6. Parties subscribe a covenant or contract; a man subscribes a bond.
    7. Officers subscribe their official acts, and secretaries and clerks subscribe copies or records.
  • Exemples de subscribes
    1. Parties subscribe a covenant or contract; a man subscribes a bond.
  • Exemples de subscribed
    1. I've subscribed to the feeds of my favourite blogs, so I can find out when new posts are added without having to visit those sites.
    2. Each man subscribed ten dollars.
    3. 1776: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations — The capital which had been subscribed to this bank, at two different subscriptions, amounted to one hundred and sixty thousand pounds, of which eighty per cent only was paid up.
  • Exemples de subscribing
    1. By subscribing to this magazine, you can stay plugged in to current issues.
    2. Incidental to the subject of fanzines -- POSTWARP, the letterzine for NFFF Members only, is well under way, with its fourth monthly ish due for completion within the next two or three days. If you are an N3F member, you're passing up plenty of interesting arguments by not subscribing.

Other Vocabulary

Mots semblables
  1. en subscribe
  2. en subscriber
  3. en subscribed
Source: Wiktionnaire
Définition: Niveau 1
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