
tapered Quiz

    Choisissez la réponse la plus appropriée pour chaque question.
  • Question 1 :
  • Antennal bases enlarged, forming straight bidentate horns, tapered and pointed ventroapically.
    1. more tapered
    2. most tapered
    3. tapered
  • Question 2 :
  • In the sentiment of the following lines on "A pipe of Tobacco" by John Usher, all lovers of the plant will heartily join: "Let the toper regale in his tankard of ale, Or with alcohol moisten his thropple, Only give me I pray, a good pipe of soft clay, Nicely tapered, and thin in the stopple; And I shall puff, puff, let who will say enough, No luxury else I'm in lack o', No malice I hoard, 'gainst Queen, Prince, Duke or Lord, While I pull at my pipe of Tobacco.
    1. more tapered
    2. most tapered
    3. tapered
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Other Vocabulary

Mots semblables
  1. fr taperez
  2. en tasered
  3. en Tasered
  4. en papered
  5. en taperer
Source: Wiktionnaire
Définition: Niveau 1
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